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Dance Together 2016

BalletBoyz dancers, plus specialist dance teachers, Karl Morgan and Rebecca Trevitt, delivered inclusive dance workshops in each school on a weekly basis, this year exploring an ‘around the world’ theme, taking inspiration from countries including Brazil, Spain, USA and Zimbabwe. On 30th June, the project culminated when students were brought together for the final sharing at Strathmore School, performing to friends and family, school governors and fellow students. In the spirit of the project, audience participation was part of each performance, ultimately bringing everyone together for a celebration of dance.

Dance Together 2017

Dance Together began in 2016, and celebrated the opening of Strathmore School’s brand new building and Hydro Pool at Grey Court School. Choreographed by Karl Morgan, students from three Richmond schools – Strathmore School, Grey Court School and The Royal Ballet School, performed alongside BalletBoyz dancers.

Above all, Dance Together is a project that explores and celebrates inclusivity, collaboration, creativity and the joy of dancing.

movement warriors ©

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